
5th Edition Geology Glossary

5th Edition Geology Glossary Average ratng: 7,3/10 7974votes
5th Edition Geology Glossary

ALEXANDRIA, VA - The American Geological Institute (AGI) announces the publication of the fifth edition of the Glossary of Geology. Comax Software Download there. This book has served as an important resource to geoscientists in all fields. The fifth edition, edited by Klaus K.E. Neuendorf, James P. Jackson, reflects advances in scientific thought and changes in word usage. Of the 40,000 entries, approximately 3,600 are new additions, and 13,000 entries have been updated, providing the most comprehensive set of geological terms in publication.

Many definitions include a syllabification guide and background information, as well as helpful resources for a variety of problems, such as look-alike pairs; for example, the difference between sylvanite (a mineral) and sylvinite (a rock). The reference also indicates the origins of terms, the meaning of abbreviations and acronyms common in geoscience vocabulary, dates of first recorded usage of a term, prefix meanings, as well as the preferred term of two or more synonyms. The authority of the fifth edition, like those before it, rests on the expertise of geoscientists from many specialties who have added new terms, reviewed definitions and cited references using those terms. Their contributions make the Glossary of Geology an essential reference work for everyone who works in or with geoscience information. The fifth edition of the Glossary of Geology (ISBN#: 922152-76-4) is a 779-page hardcover text, available now. List price is $99.95, $79. Telex Copyette User Manual. 95 for AGI Member Society Members.

Geology Glossary Pdf
ezbio – 2018