D3 Demonbuddy Botting Setup Guide. Download to your demonbuddy/plugins folder. Rrrix is one of the main developers on the demonbuddy profiles and he does. DemonBuddy User Manual 10 The Scheduler The Profile Scheduler is a DemonBuddy feature that will allow you to create a playlist of DemonBuddy profiles to load and run. To open the scheduler click on “Load”, then “Open Scheduler” Once the Scheduler dialog box is open you can then drag and drop the “Load Profile” task from. Download Buddy Products. Demonbuddy: 1.1 Build 516 Installer (recommended) / Zip. Hearthbuddy: 0.3 r1446 Build 417. Advent 9315 Drivers For Windows 7. Demonbuddy the 3rd party Farming and Leveling Tool for the amazing Diablo 3 Game.
Tutorial credits go to Trublesum BuddyPatch2 credits go to Desconocido Before we get started you need to install.NET Framework & C++ Now on to the fun stuff! Download the following files and extract them into separate folders ( Desktop is fine ) These links will bring you to a mirror site where you can choose a link to download. ♦ ♦ Virus total for DemonBuddy → Virus total for BuddyPatch2 → The 2 dectections for BuddyPatch2 are false positives. Once files are extracted open BuddyPatch2 right click Buddypatch2.exe and run as admin 2. Click the top Select button under General Settings → Offsets file 3. Navigate to Buddypatch2 folder → LatestOffsets, select DB_12811.dat and then click Patch ( Do not move the offsets file after patching, if you wish to change its location do so and then edit AuthSettings.xml to show its new location.
Navigate to Demonbuddy folder select Demonbuddy App file 5. When the file is finished patching it will make a logfile named “Patch.txt” in the Buddypatch2 folder, if this document is empty there were no errors, congrats. Start Diablo 3 and login. Go to gameplay options and select windowed mode. Do not resume / join a game leave at character screen. Open Demonbuddy folder and open Demonbuddy app.
When prompted to login type whatever you feel like in the key bar, “123” is fine. After login Demonbuddy will create a folder named “Plugins” in Demonbuddy folder ( Some Profiles require plugins to run and this folder is where you will put them. You are now ready to start playing with Demonbuddy! For profiles & plugins visit the DemonBuddy forums.
They also have an extensive tutorial/guide area there for people having issues with DemonBuddy.