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Figure 1: Performance and Tools Solaris Performance and Tools provides comprehensive coverage of the powerful utilities bundled with the Solaris 10 Operating System and OpenSolaris, including the Solaris Dynamic Tracing facility, DTrace, and the Modular Debugger, MDB. Reader Recommendations 'The Solaris Internals volumes are simply the best and most comprehensive treatment of the Solaris (and OpenSolaris) Operating Environment.
Any person using Solaris -- in any capacity -- would be remiss not to include these two new volumes in their personal library. With advanced observability tools in Solaris (like DTrace), you will more often find yourself in what was previously unchartable territory. Solaris Internals, Second Edition, provides us a fantastic means to be able to quickly understand these systems and further explore the Solaris architecture -- especially when coupled with OpenSolaris source availability.'
-- Jarod Jenson, chief systems architect, Aeysis 'The Solaris Internals volumes by Jim Mauro and Richard McDougall must be on your bookshelf if you are interested in in-depth knowledge of Solaris Operating System internals and architecture. As a senior UNIX engineer for many years, I found the first edition of Solaris Internals the only fully comprehensive source for kernel developers, systems programmers, and systems administrators. The new second edition, with the companion performance and debugging book, is an indispensable reference set, containing many useful and practical explanations of Solaris and its underlying subsystems, including tools and methods for observing and analyzing any system running Solaris 10 or OpenSolaris.' -- Marc Strahl, senior UNIX engineer Rate and Review Tell us what you think of the content of this page. Excellent Good Fair Poor Comments: Your email address (no reply is possible without an address): Note: We are not able to respond to all submitted comments.