Territory War – Download. Territory War >Territory War 3 Walkthrough. Defend your territory! Welcome to the territory war online demo swf games page and pafog. 'Territory War Online is a free, flash based game like the Worms series: side-scrolling, map based, turn based combat between two players. Each player has a certain. Play Territory War 3 The long awaited sequel to one of the most popular online frag arenas of all time is finally here! Featuring new maps, new weapons, gameplay modes and new ways to earn XP, level up and kick some ass!
Game: 'Territory War Online is a free, flash based game like the Worms series: side-scrolling, map based, turn based combat between two players. Each player has a certain number of soldiers with a certain amount of health, and the object of the game is to eliminate the other player's team. Grenades, rifles, rocket launchers, and even walls and platforms can be used either to lower your opponent's soldiers health to 0/100 or to knock them off of the stage.'
Directions: 1. Click on the link above to create a Territory War Online account. There is no email verification. Create a team of six players and name them accordingly, whatever you want. Post back here saying you want to sign up, and post your account name for reference. To make things easier, it would be nice if you had AIM.
If you don't you can work things out via SWF visitor messages and private messages. Brackets will be double elimination. Matches will be played 6 soldiers vs. Matches will be best 2/3 games, with the first stage random and then loser chooses next stage. You cannot choose a stage where you have already won, though you may choose random.
You will have 5 days to play each match, but please play them as soon as possible. You can use this thread to check in and say you are ready. If the match is never played, a winner will be chosen based on who checked in or why the match was never played. Both winner and loser can report the results back to the thread. No cheating lol.
SWF NAME: TWO ACCOUNT (AIM) 1. Tomato Cat: tomatoswf (symptom129) 2. Niiro: NOJOHNS (omgitsbliu) 3. Evil Eye: MajorFloydBalls (FrozenFarce) 4.
Meciocre: MediocreOmelet (Mediocre Omelet) 5. Mic_128: Mic128 (DoesMannerism) 6.
Tmw_redcell: MANBREAKER (Smash Addict) 7. Mr.Lombardi34: Mr.Lombardi34 (SilentWind334) 8. Bowser King: BowserKing123 (Bowser King 123) 9. Macman: Taransky (Yedispaghetti) 10. SkylerOcon: SkylerOcon (skylerocon) 11. Yaya: YayaIOwn (YayaIOwn) 12.
Eor: Eor75 (Kielbasa75013) Territory War Online is a charming little game and an easy way to pass the time. There is a certain amount of strategy involved but the game is fairly simple. There are a lot of different weapons and some cool tricks you can do on certain stages, but no real glitches. Practice does help. If you're interested, sign up.
Its a very easy process and it will be a lot of fun. The Handbook Of Maintenance Management Joel Levitt Pdf Editor. I'll be running brackets through TIO and an honor system, which is efficient and easy to do. We've got Azua's Blessing (200hp/5sec for 2mins) to run this in the Pool Room, so don't worry about that. Sign up and have fun; please don't spam the topic. If you want to practice with SWFers just AIM them. Sorry Niiro but you don't get a bye first round. If you can tell, I decided to organize the bracket randomly but told TIO if the player was a BRoomer or a PRoomer.
That way, BRoomers wouldn't **** each other over and PRoomers wouldn't **** each other over. As you can see, 2 BRoomers got byes in which they will play the winner of a BRoomer and a PRoomer, and 2 PRoomers got byes in which they will play the winner of a BRoomer and a PRoomer. Who got the byes was organized by TIO.
I love TIO.:D shout outs to nealdt.