WordRider Text Editor for TI-89/92/TxtRider/Hibview/uView - homepage. WordRider Text Editor for TI-89/92/TxtRider/Hibview/uView. Write a Comment. WordRider Free. The program's installer file is. WordRider brings full support of TxtRider view-tags and more user convenience with working TI-89/92. WordRider Text Editor for TI-89/TxtRider/Hibview/uView. Public License and the source code can be found on the Windows Utilities. TI-89/92 (+) Emulator v1.01. WordRider Text Editor for TI-89/92/TxtRider/Hibview/uView - documentation. Transfert et lecture de textes sur une TI-89.
TxtRider v1.0 Beta 96 - ticalc.org:::::: TxtRider v1.0 Beta 96 TxtRider v1.0 Beta 96 FILE INFORMATION Ranked as 102 on our all-time top downloads with 62111 downloads. Ranked as 436 on our top downloads for the past seven days with 10 downloads. Txtrider.zip Filename txtrider.zip ( ) Title TxtRider v1.0 Beta 96 Description This program is a text viewer.The browser remembers last open file slow down when displaying pictures (which were displayed too fastly). A few bugs correction. Compatible with ROM v2.XX. RELEASE ON TI-FR Author ( ) Category File Size 34,211 bytes File Date and Time Sun Mar 19 21: Documentation Included? Yes Source Code Included?
No SCREEN SHOTS REVIEWS Review Review by Adam Palmer Reviewed on 2004-10-17 Suitability: 9/10 Does what it says. Ease-Of-Use: 6/10 Shortcut to text editing? Overall: 8/10 Needs some tweaking. TxtRider, as it says, is a VERY fast text viewer (made even faster by the break point capabitities). The Portrait Sketch With Jeremy Lipking Raritan. It features formatted text, compressed files, and a scrolling speed about 15 times faster than the built in editor. What can I say? It's a text viewer.
Sorta inconvenient, if I might say, that you can view text but you can't edit from the program. A very slight detail might I add, but we people of the calculator world are sometimes lazy and take for granted little things like this, i.e.
It's a pain in the butt to exit the program press 5 different buttons and open an empty editor. The help file is pretty straightforeward, but leaves certain things for the user to figure out (how to use the formatting on one line only). As for it's speed, it's pretty darn fast. Overall, this is a pretty ingenious little program (actually about 15k) with some minor spots that are unpleasing to the eye.
Fast and reliable, this one is a keeper. LEAVE FEEDBACK Questions, comments, and problems regarding the file itself should be sent directly to the author(s) listed above. (requires a free ) (requires an account; or you may directly) If you have downloaded and tried this program, please rate it on the scale below Bad Good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ARCHIVE CONTENTS Archive Contents Name Size ridtitle.89y 455 pppic.89y 389 riderhlp.89y 4114 expic.89y 736 pprider.89z 2483 txtrider.89z 6686 french/txtrider.89z 10459 french/pprider.89z 2497 french/ridtitle.89y 455 french/pppic.89y 389 french/expic.89y 736 french/riderhlp.89y 4591 french/unhuftxt.89z 851 unhuftxt.89z 851 Copyright © 1996-2012, the ticalc. Michael Ende Die Unendliche Geschichte Ebook Download. org project. All rights reserved. .