How To Train Your Dragon is an animated family film that was released in 2010. The film takes place on the island of Berk. The island of Berk is inhabited by simple people who are being harassed by fearsome dragons. Hiccup is the central character in the film.
He is a shy, awkward boy that does not fit in with the rest of the villagers. One night he sees a dragon flying through the sky and shoots it down. He follows the dragon into a forest where he tries to kill. Hiccup is unable to kill the dragon and the dragon escapes. Eventually, Hiccup finds the dragon in the forest where the dragon is nursing an injured tail. He names the dragon Toothless and learns how to communicate with it. Through a lot of time together and practice, Toothless learns to trust Hiccup and they begin to become friends.
Toothless teaches Hiccup how to communicate with other dragons. Hiccup uses this skill to become the top of his dragon training class at school and everyone thinks he is a genius. Astrid, one of the girl’s in Hiccup’s class, becomes suspicious however. She follows Hiccup into the woods one days where she discovers that he is keeping Toothless and she threatens to blow his cover. Hiccup realizes that he has to keep Astrid on his side. He takes for a ride on Toothless. Astrid and Hiccup ride Toothless straight into the head dragon’s nest and then they discover the reason why the dragons are attacking the island of Berk.
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It turns out that if the dragons do not steal food from Berk, the head dragon will eat. Devastated, they realize that they need to come up with a plan to help Toothless and his fellow dragons. The villagers at first do not believe Hiccup when he tells them about the dragons. They head of to attack the head dragon and then they discover the truth. 2000 Solved Problems In Electromagnetics Pdf Free here.
The head dragon is killed in the fight and Toothless and his fellow dragons are set free. The film ends where everybody living in peace and harmony back of the island of Berk.
Watch How to Train Your Dragon 2 Full Movie Online, Free Download How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) Full Movie, How to Train Your Dragon 2 Full Movie Download in HD Mp4 Mobile Movie, Watch online How to Train Your Dragon 2 Full Movie Free Download: The thrilling second chapter of the epic How To Train Your Dragon trilogy brings back the fantastical world of Hiccup and Toothless five years later. While Astrid, Snotlout and the rest of the gang are challenging each other to dragon races (the island’s new favorite contact sport), the now inseparable pair journey through the skies, charting unmapped territories and exploring new worlds. When one of their adventures leads to the discovery of a secret ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace.