Plesk Migration Manager (PMM) build 080211.17 for Plesk 8.3, 8.2, 8.1.1 for Windows Release Notes Plesk Migration Manager (PMM) build 080211.17 for Plesk 8.3 for Windows Release Notes Contents • • • • • • • • 1. Introduction Thank you for downloading this release of Plesk Migration Manager (PMM) for Plesk for Windows. The Claremont Serial Killings here. This file contains information that supplements the PMM documentation such as software requirements, information on new features, corrected bugs, known problems, etc.
This file was updated with the latest information available at release time. Installation Instructions Refer to the product installation instructions and the product user manual. Visit the SWsoft, Inc. Web site at for more information, for example: • • 2.1. Before Installation The computer to which you want to migrate your data is referred to as 'Plesk server', and the computer which has the data you want to migrate as 'source server'. Install Plesk for Windows on the Plesk server, if you have not installed it yet.
Plesk Migration Manager (PMM) build 080211. Lou Bega A Little Bit Of Mambo Raritan more. 17 for Plesk 8.3 for Windows Release Notes Contents. Install Plesk for Windows on the Plesk server. Plesk for Windows Migration Manager. PMM is produced for Plesk for Windows of the following versions. This starts the Plesk Migration Manager installation. Migrate Your Server Using Plesk. Using the Plesk Migration & Transfer Manager, as well as best practices for migrating Plesk for Linux and Plesk for Windows. Windows plesk migration. Plesk Migration without. So if you make new Plesk server and use Plesk Migration and Transfer Manager (be sure you choose to install it.
If an older version of Plesk Migration Manager is installed on your Plesk server and/or source server, uninstall it (in both locations, if applicable). We strongly recommend that you create a full system backup of the entire servers before you start the migration process. Also, you may want to back up your existing Plesk installation using the Plesk Backup utility. There are two setup programs that you need to run to install programs for carrying out the migration (example for Plesk 8.3): pmm83_buildXX Download Vray 3ds Max 2012 64 Bits here. XX.XX.msi and pmm_agent_buildXXXX.XX.msi. Install pmm83_buildXXXX.XX.msi on Plesk server and pmm_agent_buildXXXX.XX.msi on source host.