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Mitsubishi Car Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagrams above the page. Company Mitsubishi Motors about the center began in 1917 when the first model of Mitsubishi, seven-seat sedan based on the Tipo 3, came off the assembly line. The car was a failure, and its production was discontinued after the assembly line came 22 pcs. Only after the merger of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Mitsubishi Aircraft Co. In 1934, the company enters the peak of glory. In 1937, the company aimed mainly at the construction of aircraft, ships, rail cars, has launched its first production sedan PX33. Unfortunately, the car was designed for military purposes because of the approaching war.
Only after the war ended, the company launched the production line of 3 new models of vehicles, Mizushima and a scooter with a funny name Silver Pigeon. Ten years later, Japan faced the problem of transportation of people, because of the huge number of families.
It was then on the market, a model Mitsubishi 500 sedan, and later in 1963 Minica Colt 1000. The next step for the company was a merger with a foreign company - bought 15% Mitsubishi, which gave the Japanese company a license to sell cars in the United States and Australia. Thus, Mitsubishi was able to increase the number of car sales in Europe. However, in 1980 an American partner was forced to sell the Australian manufacturing division. Two years later, Mitsubishi entered the US market under its own name with the sedan Tredia, Cordia and coupe Starion. Oziexplorer Crack 3 95 4g63 on this page. It sold more than 30,000 vehicles, but the Japanese sought to increase the number of sales, and they started an active advertising campaign.
By the end of the 80s Mitsubishi sold 1.5 million units of vehicles worldwide. In 1987, Mitsubishi and Chrysler founded a new company-producer of vehicles in the state of Illinois by giving it the name Diamond-Star Motors. Imeeno with this plant out models such as Mitsubishi Eagle, Eagle Talon and Laser. Into The Woods Of Belial Rare there. In 1988, Mitsubishi owned only 25% of the company, while Chrysler raised its stake to 20%.