AN/ARC-231 (RT-1808A(C)/U MOD 10) Airborne Communications System DAMA CERTIFICATION DATE 181B 903.31108 06/28/11 182A 904.31108 06/28/11 183 905.31108. Tm 11-5821-333-12 operator’s and aviation unit maintenance manual sincgars airborne combat net radio, icom and non-icom non-icom airborne radio an/arc-201(v).
Reviews There are no reviews so far Description: Raytheon's AN/ARC-231 is an airborne Very High Frequency (VHF), Ultra High Frequency (UHF), Line-Of-Sight (LOS) and Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) Satellite Communication (SATCOM) communications system. It was developed to support the US Department of Defense (DoD) requirement for an airborne, multi-band, multi-mission secure anti-jam voice, data and imagery network-capable communications capability. The resulting system also features minimum size, weight and integration requirements. ARC-231 is suitable for rotary- and fixed-wing applications. Under MARS (Multiple-band Avionics Radio Suite) program the US Army ordered the ARC-231 radio system for more than 1,100 of its rotary-wing aircraft. The five-year contract worth $312 million was issued in January 2006. AN/ARC-231 News.
This system supports Department of Defense (DoD) requirements for airborne, multi-band, multi-mission, secure anti-jam voice, data and imagery transmission and provides network-capable communications in a compact radio set. Edisecure Xid 580 I Manual For Sony. Solaris Performance Tools Pdf To Excel there. The AN/ARC-231(V)(C) Skyfire Radio System, based upon the RT-1808A/ARC-231(V)(C) Receiver Transmitter is a fully compliant, high performance, fully qualified, low risk solution for any airborne platform.